Best Wedding Photography of 2019 - Harry Michael Photography

2019… Feisty one you are!
Wow. 2 years. I’ve never stuck to any job for this long, and I’ll let you in on a little secret… I don’t think I’ll be stopping anytime soon! This year has been bloody ace. Too bloody ace in fact! 50 weddings, 2 awards, discovering some new venues in the UK and hopping on the big metal bird for some gigs abroad. From Devon to Yorkshire, France and Italy, it really has been a battering on the car and passport, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It still baffles me how couples like my photos enough to hire me, but I never take that trust for granted.
2020 isn’t looking to be a doss though! With Premier Inn’s already booked throughout the UK (Chipping Norton I’m coming back!!) and flights booked for Spain, Italy, Greece, France and Cyprus it’s definitely shaping up to be another cracker.
What else is there to mention…. Oh yeah! In November I was named The Wedding Industry Award’s South Central Wedding Photographer of the year! I know, a right mouthful, and also what were those judges smoking! Needless to say winning that was a massive fluke in and of itself. I didn’t think I had a chance at the nationals earlier this year, but the girlfriend saw it as a chance to dress up and get some free prosseco, so on the train to London we went, and for what I can only explain as a temporal vortex where I must have been in a different dimension, I was chosen as the National Highly Commended Photographer of the year! I know most people would be gutted to come so close to 1st, but honestly I was gassssedddd with 2nd place!! I’ve never been into awards, I mean the only award I had before this one was a participant trophy for an egg and spoon race 15 years ago! I miss sports days. So yeah, winning that was a massive highlight for me. Great success!
Right I’m gonna keep this wiring part short this time, as I have a tendency to go full Leo DiCaprio! But really, I have to thank everyone of you who sent me that “we’d love to have you” email. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be in this job, and it truly is the best job I’ve ever had. Finally, to all my couples this year, see ya soon! Hope you’ve been working on your moves.