Elmore Court Wedding, Gloucester, The Cotswolds - Caroline + James
“We're not crying you are! Ah we're so thrilled with the pics - even though we're only half way through, we felt a total surge of love last night re-living it all! So many favourites!”
It’s tricky blogging this one. Not because I wish I could literally share the entire set, not because we’re in winter now and looking back on this beautiful autumns day makes me miss then sun, but because James is a constant reminder that I’ll never look as good as him with long hair! A man can dream though right!?
Anyways enough of my insecurities, we’re here to talk about this sensational day at Elmore Court back in October. Filmmaker Caroline and Scouse Pirate/Russell Brand doppelgänger James couldn’t have had a better day if they tried. Incredible weather, fashion, colourful styling and Caroline finally got her own maid of honour rap she’d seen on instagram so many times! Basically wedding goals right? And I could tell these two genuinely enjoyed every minute of it, mostly because Caz told me how much her face hurt from smiling so much. I could go on and on and on about how much I love these two, but that’d just be boring for you at home reading! So take it from me, just get scrolling and you’ll see plenty of smiles, hugs, outrageous dance floor moves and James’s nipple!
Oh and big shoutout to Andy Matheson for trekking down to The Cotswolds from Leeds to help out on this one! Few of his lovely frames are peppered in here. Also to Salt and Scent for making everything look gorgeous and just generally being a legend on the day. Oh and one more to Dan Dolan films… thanks for the back rub post-speeches. Really needed it!