Wedding Photographer Of The Year 2021 - TWIA South Central
Well hot dog…
I thought last year was a fluke, joke or drunken judging, but over the weekend it looks like peeps over at TWIA HQ announced me as the South Central Wedding Photographer of the Year! Again! BANANAS!!
It’s been a pretty, how do you say…. shit year for the wedding industry, so for this to come in really brightened up my week, or let’s face it, year! So I have to give props to The Wedding Industry Awards for pressing on with this year despite there being the obvious fact that there haven’t been many weddings! Nevertheless it’s always a daunting experience putting your images out there for new judges to pick apart and your website looked through with the finest of toothed combs.
This all wouldn’t be possible without all those couples who kindly gave up some of their time and voted for me! Also thank god for having a busy winter 2020 and a few before the big C. Those few extra votes helped :) The best part without question from last years awards was getting to read through all your feedback. I still find myself opening up that PDF when I need a little reassurance. I mean, that PDF has been opened up a lot this year, so really thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Anyways here’s a few images from this year (and last) to commemorate the occasion. Last year I managed to snag 2nd place at the Nationals in London, and even though this year’s event will be virtual, I’ll still wear my finest suit, albeit with just my underwear underneath.